Thursday, August 5, 2010

2007 Trends in Military Strategy and Philosophy

Much has been written on human warfare. There are countless volumes of memoirs, insight and knowledge, which has been passed down. There are the classics such as Carl von Clauswitz "On War" and Sun Tzu "The Art of War" and even more recently "Guerilla Warfare" by Colonel Boyd. And yet none of these address the new paradigm of the future of robotic warfare to the degree that these new technologies are taking us in the near future. An entirely new standard for philosophical consideration must be addressed along with new strategies to use such technologies, as efficiently as possible to win.

Wars in the Future will be fought robotically and fundamentally differently. In fact it may look more like Futuristic Science Fiction Movie than anything we are use to watching along the lines of World War II movies or General Patton flicks as the Allied Forces battle the evils of NAZI Germany. The last major wars using conventional style war machines may have already been fought and although there will no doubt be battles, skirmishes and smaller wars fought that way in the future you will not see many first world nations fighting using these methods.

This does not mean rogue nation-states and third world nations will not attempt to use such methods against larger more technologically advanced nations, just that their resistance and the life span of their fighting forces maybe extremely short lived. In this book we will discuss the principles, which will most likely guide the future of human warfare and the strategies, which must be deployed in order to win. I thank you for joining me in this discussion and perhaps this article is of interest to propel thought.

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